Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Lot's of spare time on my hands

Since the end of the CO season and the holidays, I have taken some time off the bike. Not by design, but more because I want to survive to ride when it is warm.

After the first week off the bike I was ready to get back on. But the second week did not want to cooperate. With highs in the single digits and lows in the negative double digit's, shrinkage was an issue as well as keeping the rest of the body warm. No one should be out riding in this brutal cold except Jon.

Through being sick and hacking up green stuff for another week, this weekends race in Lyons is now a distant memory. But all is not lost. My wife loves me with this special Christmas gift. That is 3 litre's of the best Belgium love that is around. Between this, the bottles of Maredsous 10, Karmeliet, Chimay red and a sixer of Leffe, all is good around the house at this point.

So I have had plenty of time to find some really funny cross vid's from around Al Gore's intraweb that you may or may not have seen...Enjoy!!!

This one is pretty funny...dude from PDX racing in Europe and get's in Dick Gronendaal's way!

Here is the "infamous" shoving match from Nat's with JPage's wife with the "nuggy"

It's a JP kinda day..here getting taken out by Bart Aernouts at Deigem this weekend

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