Friday, July 22, 2011

Knockin the rust of the lily

Damn, why does racing have to be so hard, you know??

On Belgium Independance Day, I decieded to don the FMVC kit and race up at the CSP track on Thursday night.  This was the first "road race" of the year for this kid.  I know that El Conejo has been killing it on the road.  Just for kicks, he rode from his house in the Highlands, up to Boulder for the Horgan Hill Climb.  Won the damn race in the SM4's and then rode home, jusk for kicks.  IF that is what it takes to win cross races, there is no hope then.

Most of the Frites team has raced at least a couple of times this year already.  I have a done a couple of half marathon mtb races (35 miles each), Brian and Buzzsaw are both preparing the for Laramie Enduro.  El Conejo, well, you already read about his riding.  Dash just finished 13th at State crits (35 4's) last weekend.  Coco was leading state crits (35 Open) with 2 laps to go and Flapjacks paid his entry fee at states and didn't realize how fast racing was but he was not DLF only S2DFL so all is good.  As for the other members of the Frites team...get off your ass and pay your moneyand tow the line would ya.

So back to last night.  The wind was blowing.  Imagine that.  But tonight for kicks it was blowing out of the south.  Now that is something new for the west side of town.  With a cross wind across the top of the track and then a headwind down the twisties made for some dicey situations.  But with a tail wind up the hill, we averaged about 28 mph each lap up the hill.  These are great training races.  14 laps with a sprint for the line every other lap.  Let's just say it started to sting after 8 laps. 

Ran into Doctor Dan at the races.  He is only one of the doctors that the FMVC team seems to have on retainer to keep us racing all year.  He told me he had turned down a couple of appointments so he could race last night.  Now that is dedication.  If you are having back issues, knee issues or any other issue (that is physical in nature)....he cant help you with your eating/drinking/love life issues, give him a shout.

The racing was fairly tame for the most part.  Only had one "Oh Shit" moment in the first lap with some dude grabbing a handful of brakes with his deep dish carbon wheels.  Seems that the squirrels dont show up at this one.  Barely had to use the brakes even through the twisties.  Everyone kept the speed up so it was fun and safe.

Rumor is most of the team will be out next week for the race.  We will be nominating Flapjacks as our team sprinter next week.  Look for the Frites train to pulling into a station near you next thrusday.


  1. Word on the street is that, given that I don't completely eff things up, I'll have secured the coveted hall pass for this week. Of course, I was most of the way through the ass kicking that was set upon me by Mr. Meyers (rum) so I have no idea to what I acquiesced in return. Hopefully I will have recovered by then. Maybe I'll throw on a few Schleckosterone patches the night before, just to be safe....

  2. Thanks SO much for the plug, Rich; that's very nice! For doing that, all the Frites 'N Mayo boys are now welcome to come in for treatment for a new "sponsored" rate of $40 a visit ($15 off regular). I hope you did well at CSP and I look forward to racing with you in the future.
