Monday, October 11, 2010

Buena Vista CX

Due to the fact that the race on Saturday had the word "Boulder" in the title, FMVC rule #3 applied. After watching the video of 120 guys ride through the Colorado version of the Okefenokee, I have tears in my eyes over the thought that I missed that. No.....Seriously.....Tears.

If you were reading this blog last year, you know that I gushed like a college freshman standing front row at a John Mayer concert about the BV race last year. This years course was similar to last years. The changes they threw in made the course a bit more safe and would have made it easier.... except the South Central Racing boys had ordered up a nice helping of good ol' BV Northern gale to make a course that predominately ran North/South either very hard or very easy. The wind had to be 15 with gust to 20 and got stronger as the day went. It really made things tough on the Northern legs of the course. But it also made you feel like a fricken rock star on the down-wind, down-hill single track section.

Chief Ref Dean Crandall starts things off right with the call-ups. As we are walking over to the start line, I ask how he is planning to do call-ups this week. He says "We are going off of last years final BCR/BCT standings". "Don't bother." I tell him. "You are going to call 30 guys and there are only two that are still racing 35+ 4s. One of those (Shotty) is in Europe and the other is not racing today." At the start line, he proceeds to look over the group, look at his sheet, and instead of using anything that resembled last years final standings, pretty much call up everyone in the order that they have been finishing this year. I know he missed the order on a few because they blew by me later in the race, but off the top of his head, he pretty much nails the first two rows. Then things get funny. He calls up "Rider 109". Turns out later that there was never a rider with that number, it got lost somewhere during the registration process and never handed out. It was just Dean having fun with us. His final greatness comes when he gives The Tom Hall a 4th row call-up. Simply fricken awesome!

Dean blows the whistle and we are off. At the top of the 1st run-up, the course turns North into the head wind. Larry Grossman calls out "Just where I want to be, right behind the big meat" and jumps on my wheel and we head into the headwind. I want to laugh but my heart rate is already at 95% of max. The next 45 minutes is spent with guys desperately trying to get on a wheel to draft in the headwind, guys having big shit-eatin grins has they haul ass down the singletrack assisted by the tailwind, and guys in general having a damn good time racing CX.

By the last lap, the race is pretty stung out. However, just as I come off the 1st Northbound leg and turned South, I get a glimpse of the Todd H. from Team Evergreen dropping off onto the downhill singletrack run. I take every risk I have the balls to pull and hit the downhill/downwind run as hard as I can. My superior weight-to-power ratio pays off and I pull to within a couple seconds of Todd by the very bottom. Now, those of you who know me, know that I am not the slightest bit stealthy. There is a big stair run-up at the very bottom of the course and come skidding into it, Todd sees me coming. Like a spooked mule deer, he hits the gas. The next section of the course is all uphill and his superior power-to-weight ratio leaves me sucking as much air and the North wind can shove down my throat. By the time we get to the top of the climb, I can barely see him. I roll across the line 10th. On a course like this... I am pretty please with that.

Team FMVC finished off the day by packing some Belgian beers down to one of the technical sections of the course along the river and heckling the Pro 1-2 guys as they came through. When we ran out of beer we strapped on a feed back at the local's main hangout and then headed back down the hill.

When I got home, I discovered that all the video I thought I was getting was for not. The card was corrupted. That is too bad because there was some shit that happened during that race that I was looking forward to recording for prosperity. Alas, if it is not on video, it never happened. James, your secret is safe with me.

The official FMVC photographer did capture a few choice pics.

The Cap'n shows off his Jonny Wad - Human Tripod

approach to negotiating switchbacks under the watchful eye of a fan.

Danny Flapjacks - A man of purpose, a man of action,
a man who can cook and serve 64 pancakes at a time.

Team FMVC in action - part 1. Pigeon launches himself
onto the stair run-up by grabbing a fellow racers bike,
jerking if off his shoulder, and throwing it to the ground.

Team FMVC in action - part 2. Dash comes
by next and stomps thru said racers front spokes.

The final time up the stairs.... blown. Breakfast is right at the
back of my teeth and about to see the light of day again any second.

The Tom Hall bagged the DFL spot. That is the 3rd 35+4 race in a row that Team FMVC has entered and locked down the DFL. As an example of the depth of our team, we have done it with three different guys. We challenge any and all comers to try and keep us from getting it next weekend. If you think you got the goods to take us out of DFL.... Bring It!

Like sea lions on the rocky shore.
Team FMVC hits the rocks for some sun, beers, and loud barking noises.

An finally, I am closing this race report. Not with a picture of boobs.... but with a picture of Boups!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't have the pics to prove it, but I swear you were chasing me with a blood soaked hatchet.
