Monday, October 18, 2010

Equipment Failure

Raced both days this weekend. Frustration does even begin to cover the general feeling. Snapped a rear derailleur hanger on lap one on Saturday. Made an extremely piss-poor decision on tire pressure on Sunday that resulted in a 2nd DNF on the weekend.

I shot a video of the first lap of Sunday's race. As you can see, it was a wee bit technical. The little mountain bikers ate this course up. In the video below, you will see two streaks rocket off into the distance at the start. That would be Todd and James who had to be drooling the second they pulled into the parking lot and saw the course.

Congrats and propers go out these two. Hockenberry hit the gas hard from the whistle and never looked back. Not to be outdone, the Angry Asian had a brilliant weekend of racing with podium finishes both days on two vastly different courses. Chapeau!

As with past videos..... high volume is recommended for the best viewing.

On the very positive side, I got an email from one of the BCS CX Ambassadors about racing CX that set me in a more proper frame of mind for learning from this weekend and heading forward into the rest of the season. I cannot say enough good things about what he does for the sport of CX in Colorado.

On a final note, it appears that there will be complete abandonment of FMVC rule #3 this weekend so look for some black wool jerseys in the crowds of racers in the bubble.

1 comment:

  1. While watching the video, I noticed the first half of the course seemed like a good one for me. Then came the second half of the course and I changed my mind.

    You were killing it out there! Too bad about the tires. Overall that course was a good one for you.
