Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cap'n Slow's Foaming Rant

I am a 'cross racer.  Yeah, I ride on the road, too, but my racing happens on the dirt and if I'm lucky, in the mud.  I am not fast, I am not a good bike handler (but I'm better than most roadies), and I'm not exactly thin or fit.  But there two things I am: passionate and opinionated.  And when cycling is involved, my passion swells, my opinion stiffens, and I will gladly fill you with both. 

What Chuck Coyle did to my sport today has pissed me off beyond belief.  Don't know who Chuck is?  Of course you don't because you've only heard of him if live in Colorado and race 'cross in the Denver/Boulder area.  For the billions of you that don't know, Chuck is a 38 year old local 'cross racer at the PRO level here in Colorado.  He races for the Hudz-Subaru team.  And now he's serving a 2 year suspension for doping.

I'm not kidding.  He really doped.  The man cheated so he could be competitive in some local races held by promoters that give away a few hundred dollars (at best) to the winner.  Chuck cheated so he could be the tallest midget in the circus.  He cheated so he could win a box of Clif bars.

I usually just accept the fact that cyclists dope.  I do that because I figure the guys being successful at the Elite level in Europe have to do everything possible to satisfy the demands of high dollar salaries and corporate sponsor pressure.  "Its different at that level", I used to think.  And then some guy like Chuck Coyle gets busted for doping at the local scene, a place that sees ME race on the same day. 

And you know what?  THAT fact is what bugs me the most:  I race with this guy.  Not in his category, but with him on the same courses.  I see him every weekend.  I've wrenched bikes for his teammates, and cheered him on as I rest on a hill after my race is over.  If a rider feels there is pressure to do well, he needs some serious shock treatment because in reality there is no pressure to do well at this level.  We race under the ACA banner, a group that still doesn't want to use timing chips or anything else developed after the light bulb.  And you know what?  That's fine with me because 'cross is about fun.  'Cross is about hanging out with your friends after the race talking about the course and then heckling the racers to come.

When someone starts fucking with MY fun, I get pissed.  And Chuck Coyle took my fun, bent it over a chair and did it dry.  According to the VeloNews article, he did this for several years.  My beloved cyclocross has been boned by a doper since 2007 and not only did I not suspect anything, I actually cheered for Chuck.  And all the while, he was hitting the EPO and other unpronounceable drugs so he could continue to screw my sport.

I don't care why Chuck doped.  I don't fucking care because there is NO EXCUSE for doping at this level.  No one can justify the use of performance enhancing drugs at this low level of 'cross because there is no pressure to succeed.  There isn't.  Some may try to argue otherwise but they are wrong.  Cyclocross in Colorado is about fun and staying fit, not about winning, not about podiums, not about appealing to sponsors.  What sponsors?  You mean the ones that give you a free kit and 2 water bottles every year?  You're doping for THAT???

So, doping hits me personally today.  I can't even line up at a local 'cross race without knowing there are people willing and actively cheating so they can outsprint me for 35th place in the cat-4 race.  My teammate Matt can't go to States without knowing someone in his category is on drugs just so they can compete with him.  Its just unfathomable to think of, too mind-boggling to comprehend.  There are dopers at the lowest, most pathetic levels of cycling.  How disgusting.


  1. Better living through chemistry.

  2. Brian;

    There is more to this than there appears. A2B "sources" have explained some stuff, and it's a cluster. I'll blog it after we eat our turkey. I think we all need to take a step back for a minute, yeah, it sucks, but it's a weird deal....he did not test positive, that is not what this is about.

  3. Elgee,
    That was Kevin's take on the situation. Brian just got his wing fixed so if he typed that up, it would have taken him about 6 hours to do so...hunk and peck, hunt and peck.

    The VN article left alot to be asked..they could not research a quality story if it fell into thier laps at times.

    Cant wait for the follow up to this one.


  4. From the VeloNews article: the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency found that he had purchased and used synthetic erythropoietin (EPO) and insulin growth factor (IGF-1).

    The key word in there is "used".

  5. Honestly who REALY give a flyin f#@k about those guys. What..the $8500 ridley with the $150 dollar dugi tires on $3500 wheels wasn't enough to rocket you to the podium? The bare bones truth.... There are about 230 REAL elite cyclist in the world. We watch them in july and they ALL dope and thats fine. Makes for good TV. everyone else are just above average bicycle riders and the realy good ones behave like idiots. I shun them all. We have more fun than all of them put together for a fraction of the price which makes us better cyclists than all of them put together.

  6. I can't believe this guy - he states that he allowed his computer and credit card to be used by team mates to purchase 'stuff' - since they did not have computers or credit cards, they would reimburse him with cash. When he gets the VISA bill every month and sees a charge from '' as opposed to '', don't you think he might have a clue as to what is going on? Supposedly they purchased from a website run by Joe Papp, who we now know is a dope dealer and user - the site is called (or sumthing like that)...hmmm, do you think Chuck is smart enough to add up 2 + 2? Sorry, I am not buying that crock of shit. And furthermore, he won't name the buds on his team who made the purchases. So if you want or care to see a list of those on his team, someone posted it on USADA should be talking to these dudes. There is definately more than one cheater involved in this case.
