Thursday, November 25, 2010

PSA announcement

The opinions expressed here are the views of the individual writer(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Frites en Mayo Velo Club as a whole.

Now, what we can all agree upon is this...Dopers Suck!!!

They should be tarred and feathered in public and made to say "I'm Sorry" to each person that they have raced against in thier category.  This will bring even more public shame to them and maybe other's will think twice about putting a needle in thier ass for perspective of winning an ACA race, a OBRA race or a USAC race.

Here is the issue that has everyone fired up today:  VN rights an article about Chuck Coyle being suspended for a analytical positive (lawyer speak for something) of EPO and IGF.  They come to Chuck and say the following:

USADA:  Hey Chuck, we have your credit card and shipping info from a purchase of EPO and IGF that you made way back in 2007.  Yea we know that is is 2010 but the wheels of justice work slow down in the Springs.  What do you have to say for yourself?

Chuck:  What you talkin about Willis?  I didn't do anything like that

USADA:  USADA guy show's Chuck the information that they got (presumably through the Joe Papp investigation) with his info on it, quantities, dates and treatment options.

Chuck:  Shit!!  Ok, I bought the stuff but never used the stuff.  I have never failed a drug test that I have taken from you guys or anyone else.

USADA:  Chuck, here is what we can do for you.  You cop to this and we give you a 2 yr suspension and you can come back to race again when your 40, ok?

Chuck:  I just read on VN that some dude in MI got 2 years also.  Guess that is going rate right?  He did not test positive either but he was also shipped the same stuff as me.  Ok, you got yourself a deal.

USADA:  Dumbass masters racers.

So, moral of the story is this....DONT USE DRUGS unless they are prescribed from your physician and you have a TUE card handy.


  1. Rich,

    there's no need for a disclaimer. If you don't like what I wrote, that's OK. If other don't like my opinion, that's OK. I'm still pissed off that local riders resort to doping just for a box of Clif bars and bragging rights around the water cooler on Monday. Its disgusting. I'd be calling out my own brother if he pulled a stunt like this. Zero tolerance for dopers regardless of their locality, relationship, or ability. My outrage only increases as the riders' ability level decreases.

    From the very first paragraph in the VeloNews article: the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency found that he had purchased and used synthetic erythropoietin (EPO) and insulin growth factor (IGF-1).

    The key word in there is "used". That ain't no typo.

  2. I love everything the Cap'n writes, truly. I've just decided to let all of you rant this time, I can't afford to fuck up my announcing career at ths point.

  3. are definitely the voice of cycling in Colorado. Don't jeopardize that just to rant with some cat-4 'cross racers!

    Though, I recently read someone's outraged blog entry about Martin Erzinger on "addicted to bicycles". THAT was a fine piece of rant because sometimes you just have to throw away discretion and let your heart say what you need to say. It helps cleanse the soul and keep you sane.
