Friday, November 26, 2010

WTF Chuck, I have found your "ghost" teammates..they are still racing

Ok, I cant take this any longer.  The whole Chuck Coyle thing is a cluster fuck of epic proportion.  This is a direct quote from Chuck on multiple sites:

“There were several guys on my team that didn’t have bank accounts,” they didn’t have anything — no laptop, no credit cards. They literally cashed their paychecks at the bank and paid for everything with cash. Whenever they needed to buy something online, they’d ask to use your credit card and pay you back in cash. As far as I can tell (with the evidence USADA presented), we were at a race, and someone used my computer, had access to my email, and bought dope with it. I was none the wiser.”
Ok Chuck, are you effing kidding me?  My wife doesn't even have all my credit card numbers or the password for my email address. 

Then there is this great one

"I don’t have $20,000 to fight it, and these (former teammates) have ghosted, just disappeared. I can’t find them. USADA was threatening me with a four-year or lifetime ban, and in the end I had no choice but to sign their document and accept a two-year suspension.”  Coyle believes he knows who ordered doping products using his computer, but was said he was “explicitly told” not to name them for fear that he would be slapped with a defamation lawsuit".
Hey Chuck, I was able to find all of your teammates that were on the 2007 Team Successful Living Presented by Parkpre USA by just using Google.  See the internet has this cool search function that can find almost anything about anybody and it is FREE!!!  You could even take your laptop over to Vics and they will also let you connect and search it too.

International teammates: 

Alessandro Bazzana (ITA) - For the 2010 season he was racing for Fly V Australia, which is the new Pegusus Racing team.  I going to guess that he has a bank account since they have to deposit his money into it each month.  His USA Cycling number is/was 257488.

Dusan Ganic (SER) - It appears that he got busted over a year ago in Italy for being part of a huge doping ring with Aleksandar Nikacevic another cyclist that briefly rode for Mapei and Alessio.

Ricardo Escuela (ARG) - This guy raced in 2009 for Team Type 1 racing here in the US.  It appears that he currently races back in Argentina for a team called Los Mineros (The Miners)  he just finished up some races there according to this website (it will need to be translated since it is in spanish).  His USA Cycling number is/was 257489.

Christian Valenzuela (MEX) - I could not really find anything for this guy.  This link says that he might be living back in Mexico and not racing at all.  Guess his EPO ran out and he was not really that good huh?

Now for his US teammates:

R Curtis Gunn - As of March 15, 2010 Curtis was racing and living in Tucson AZ and racing for the Williams Wheels p/b SC Velo.  According to this blog post he was going to race San Dimas stage race in CA.  USA Cycling license number is 51219

Alexi Martinez - Dude races for Adageo Energy Cycling team.  He is currently 23 years old.  He might have been doping since he was 20.  Come on man, dont you know that your dick shrinks when you take EPO and other dope and chicks dont dig small dicks from dudes?   USA Cycling license number is 190569

Daniel Ramsey - in 2009, he raced for Mountain Khaki's EP-NO...EPO YES is what I got to say.  As of these results, he is also racing with Curtis Gunn on the Willimas Wheels team.  USA Cycling license number is 29107

Ryan Yee - According to USAC, he has not raced since 2007 with Successful Living.  But according to this link, he was the damn team manager for Successful Living.  Now we all know that this guy had to have a computer, the link has an email address for him and he should have a credit card.  USA Cycling license number is 98357

I am sure that you dont give a shit about my blog and writings.  But come on have got to be smarter than this.  You are worried about guys that have no laptops (which means they have no internet connection and might not have heard about this), they have no credit cards (so they really dont have a way to take you to court for defemation) and you just lay down and take what USADA gave to you.  I would give them names, places, locations and kept racing, just like your "friends or teammates" that just threw you under the bus, a really big bus.
Now I dont really give a shit about your friends in the bubble that support you. Frankly, I am amazed that there has been so much silence coming from the Bubble. Maybe the Bubble has an embargo talking about this?  Maybe there are more names that are going to come out and they dont want to say anything.

Maybe you could have taken the money that you got back from selling your portion of the Hudz Team and the profits that you have from The Pros Stuff and find a good lawyer that can help you out. I know that it can done for way less than $20,000 USD.
For all the work that I have done for you Chuck to start your case, which took me about an hour or so, I will only charge you $100.00 USD.  I just need to have enough money to register the team that I race on with the  ACA since the only thing this team is on is Belgium Beers and frites.  They make you fat, not fast but we have a smile on our face at the end of the day and none of us have the moniker of  "Convicted Doper"


  1. Rich...

    PURE GENIUS! That is the very best blog entry I have ever read!

    Up until I read your blog, I was thinking Chuck's arguments sounded plausible. But, given how easily you debunked Chuck's arguments, I no longer think he has any credibility.

    What I'm saying is that for once someone has put together a blog counter-argument that was well done, accurate, and enough over-the-top as to change my mind.

    Love it!

  2. Yup, something fishy bout not being able to find these guys. Wonder if USADA is trying to find em?

  3. I still can't believe you went public about your secret CC that your wife did not know about...... until now.

  4. Im just glad you said."convicted" doper.

  5. Well he's a confessed doper, he signed a USADA confession. What he says after that is up for grabs though, obviously. Says so in the first paragraph here:

    It's a good article overall, but re-throwing Coyles previous teammates under the bus isn't cool, he's already tried that, and helping him out with funny remarks about ep-no epo yes comments next to their names isn't cool. Or saying that they may have been doping since they were 20, come on man.

    Now you obviously don't believe Chuck, so why insult these guys? Chuck had the shit shipped to his house, on his CC, from his email, these dudes have none of that, so until then we should be protecting them, not helping chuck defame them.

    Now for the record the only guy I know in this bunch is Chuck, and not very well, just seen him at races talked to him during road races a couple times.

  6. I will say this though, the reason I don't believe Chuck, beyond his story is kinda shit. If USADA came knockin at my door, knowing I'm clean, and they threw some crap down about me doping, they better be willing to go ALL THE WAY, because theres no way in hell I'm signing anything other than the back of a check from them paying for the legal fees when I'm proven innocent. Screw signing some crap to get a "deal", 2 years and your name being worth a crap forever ain't a deal if you haven't done anything. I mean think about it, future employers googling your name and finding CONVICTED DOPER all over, and then reading how you signed a confession to get a deal, and how you threw an ENTIRE TEAM under the bus in some sort of lame duck defense after the confession. That's worth at least the ALLEGED 20k it would have cost him. When in reality you can get free defense from the US Olympic committee program talked about in the latest VN article about this. and hell I don't even race anymore.

    Yea yea Chuck, I'm sure that you wouldn't fight this shit if they didn't have you dead to rights, and it obviously can be done, hell didn't some guy (Phil Z) just get proven innocent right before pro nats. So it's not like it's impossible to fight. Now phil was proven innocent so he's good to go imho, and just proves it's not futile to fight.

  7. Hey s,
    You really have missed the point here. The team that Daniel Ramsey raced for was called Mountain Khacki presented by EP-NO. EP-No is actually a natural blood booster. Can he found here:

    Second, Alexi Martinez was on the same team, Successful Living, with Chuck, when Alexi was 20 years if he (Alexi) was the person getting the EPO, and we dont know that since Chuck made himself the martyr, he would then have been doping for at least 3 years since he is only 23 now, right?

    I did not accuse any of the guys that Chuck raced with to be doping. The whole story was about how Chuck could not find them and they have "ghosted" but would sue him for defemation if he talked. I was just able to find his teammates and made fun of them.

    Gotta love the internet...full of stories both of fact and fiction. And since this is a blog and just one persons opinion and the only facts in this story are these:

    1. Chuck copped to USADA for the doping purhcase/use

    2. I was able to find his teammates and thier USAC license numbers of his teammates that have "ghosted" as a service.

    Thanks for reading though.... Rich
