Thursday, December 2, 2010

Feel my Junk

I went back into the master slicer (Orthopedic Surgeon) today so that he could admire his handy work. He was pretty damn happy with it. A few pics for you guys that love looking at this crap.

Nice Zipper, Eh?

Top View - Looking down at the inside of my elbow.

Side View - It's pretty safe to say.... this thing is screwed down and going nowhere.

In an not quite sure if there is enough titanium to set off the detectors at that airport. I am thinking not. However, I that is not the case, I will have to get used to the new "aggressive pat down" procedures.

I started PT this evening with the first session..... We are thinking that I can be back on the bike in less than two months. But first, I got considerable amont of work to get back all the movement in my right elbow that I lost. Bring on the pain.


  1. I've been told that bike racers make good PT patients... they like to hurt.
    Good luck on a fast rehab.

  2. In the immortal words of Clubber Lang:
    I predict Pain!

  3. If anyone can get you back on the bike quick, it will be Lee, he's a magician

  4. Good luck with the rehab. FYI there are a few of us starting now and building a good base for next season, seeing how this race season was a letdown for many of us. Feel free to join in once you get to that point.

  5. You're gonna set off the metal detectors at the airport. Next time you fly, be sure to opt for the aggressive pat down with happy ending. Its AWESOME!

  6. I was wondering what happened to my titanium tire lever. Cool place to store it - now you don't need a saddle bag.
