Thursday, February 17, 2011

Intervals with MBG

My God. What have I gotten myself into?

Saturday I'm riding with Mr. Big Guy. Its been a while since Randy and I have met to go riding. Probably because he lives in The Bubble and I do not. Just like "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas", people who live in The Bubble stay in The Bubble. Their Subarus will dissolve if they go too far south and that would be awful for the environment.

So I'm going north. My car, which is back from its extensive time at the repair shop, is perfectly capable of breaking thru the Bubble Barrier like a sperm cell plooks thru an egg. Not a very good analogy. Forget it. Suffice to say, my car can make the trip.

MBG says to me "I've got a 5 minute and a 20 minute interval to do but other than that, let's just ride around." So, I'm thinking "How far ahead is he going to be after 20 minutes?" I'm not in good cycling shape right now. I'm in good laying around eating cookies and drinking soda shape. On the other hand, Mr. Big Guy has confessed to having lost a few pounds. I think I found them.

A 20 minute interval. I can manage a 20 minute interval. No problem. But even if I do, Randy is going to be out of sight before its over. And that truly frightens me. What am I going to do all alone in The Bubble? Stop at the nearest coffee shop, I guess, and wait for the return of MBG.

What have I gotten myself into? Only time and a Garmin 500 will tell. I'll post my data along with Randy's data when I recover enough to make the drive south.

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